Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Internet Engineers (Toronto and GTA)

Seeking: Internet Engineers

The Opportunity:

The chance to become a key team member and/or team leader of brilliant online software developers, marketers and bloggers who are together creating a “Global Online Media Channel” – for the people by the people. The opportunity to share in the long-term financial wealth and social health of this altruistic project. Our team currently owns approximately 400 matching domain names which start with the name major economic cities around the world. We estimate we have approximately 90% of the top 400 economic global cities covered with our powerful domain portfolio. We are already aligned with one of the most respected charities in the world.

We Are Seeking:

Internet Engineers, software architects, developers, Web 2.0/ online & offline viral marketers. You must be willing to turn your effort, into results in the form of online GREEN/SUSTAINABLE/HEALTH/WELLNESS” web traffic and profit.

It would be considered and asset if you are familiar with the concepts of “Wikinomics”, “Crowd Sourcing” and Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point” -- then chances are you will be in a better position to accelerate our vision.

Your Passion is Key:

Your personal passion is essential to drive the success of this project.

You must possess a strong passion for helping to save our planet through the promotion of “GREEN/SUSTAINABLE/HEALTH/WELLNESS” news, blogging, healthy debate as well as influencing consumers around the world to support sustainable products (including new, used and homemade products) services, charities and organizations that truly help the people of our planet live, greener and healthier, less impoverished and more fulfilling lives.


Compensation is in the form of negotiated wages and equity (shares of the company), and/or profit sharing model. Ultimately the team we create will all have opportunity to design the company compensation plan, based on “rewards for performance” concepts. To be perfectly clear there is no monetary compensation for this opportunity at this time.

Work From Home?:

You will work mainly from the comfort of your own home. However we will keep our team focused and aligned through MSN instant messaging, online collaboration tools, phone conference calls and periodic meetings in person at locations throughout the GTA. Currently our team is focused in west Toronto but because of our goal to leverage technology, you could live anywhere in the world as long as you can afford to invest time and possibly a few dollars for the cost of a long distance call. We expect to be able to cover costs of long distance calls within approximately 2 months.

Full Time or Part Time Work?:

Full time or part time roles are available. Please keep in mind that you must be able to financially support yourself until such time that this project earns you enough income to support you. If you are retired, or already financially secure, and feel like giving back to people and the planet, and joining a talented, passionate, exciting team, then this opportunity could be a good fit for you.

To Apply:

Please reply to this craigslist advert with a resume, list of qualifications, cover letter explaining why you are interested in this opportunity and how you help you can contribute to the success of the project. Please put the words: "GLOBAL ONLINE ALTRUISTIC MEDIA CHANNEL" in the subject line. You are also welcome to submit questions and comments.

After You Apply:

For those candidates that appear to be a solid fit with our team in terms of skill set and passion we will contact you by email and via phone. We will let you know more about the project, including other team members, details of our powerful 400 + global web domain portfolio asset, existing alliances and more.

Final Notes:

Please understand that we will not be able to contact all candidates that apply. However we thank you in advance for your time.

Wishing you all Success, Health and Good Karma!

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