Monday, October 26, 2009

McConJob Wants Your Internet

First please accept my apology you today’s slim offering and for being way behind on answering comments and visiting other blogs. I have a very severe case of flu here. My effort will improve as I do. On to the story.

Last Thursday I posted an article on FCC plans to adopt Net Neutrality. The idea of a free and open Internet did not sit well with the giant telecoms who want to skew the Internet, so they sent their favorite lackey ton the Senate floor.

The "Maverick" just played his hand on Net Neutrality, and the cards reveal a man who's outsider image doesn't quite add up.

On Thursday, Sen. John McCain introduced legislation to kill the open Internet, the deceptively named "Internet Freedom Act." The bill would stop all FCC efforts to have an open and public discussion about proposed Net Neutrality rules.

This comes from a senator who has received more money ($894,379) from AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and their lobbyists than any other member of Congress.

McCain also infamously told the media that he is "illiterate" when it comes to using the Internet and computers…

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